Bridge Fund Management Limited (“BFML or the “Company”) is authorised as an Alternative Investment Fund Manager (“AIFM”) under the European Union (Alternative Investment Fund Managers) Regulations 2013 (the “Irish AIFM Regulation”) and as a UCITS Fund Manager under the EU Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No. 231/2013 (the “Commission Regulation”) (collectively, the “AIFM Regulations”) and the European Communities (Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities) Regulations, 2011 (S.I. No. 352 of 2011) as amended (the " UCITS Regulations").
As per Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 (“SFDR”), BFML is defined as a “financial market participant”
The Company’s fundamental objective is at all times to conduct its business by acting honestly, fairly and professionally in the best interests of our Clients. In this context, the term Clients refers to the Funds managed by the Company. In practice, the definition extends to the Fund’s underlying investors.

The Company is committed to acting ethically in conducting its business. This high level and over-arching concept is achieved through every employee (including the Company’s management and Officers) of the Company acting in an ethical way and accepting personal responsibility for their actions in all of their dealings. 

EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation

The Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (‘SFDR’) entered into force on 10 March 2021. The Regulation requires managers to better inform end-investors with regard to the integration of sustainability risks, the consideration of adverse sustainability impacts, the promotion of environmental or social characteristics, and sustainable investment, as applicable.

This document specifically addresses Article 3, Article 10, Articles 24 – Article 37 of Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 (‘Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation’).

The Company does not carry out any discretionary investment management in respect of any of the funds under the Company’s management but rather delegates the investment management function of funds under the Company’s management to an investment manager (the “Investment Manager”) contractually charged with collective portfolio management.

The integration of sustainability risk into the delegate Investment Manager’s investment decision-making process will vary depending on the investment objective and policies of the fund in question, and the internal approach taken by each relevant Investment Manager. More information related to SFDR and the delegate Investment Managers approach to ESG, can be found using the following links:

PDF IconASK Investment Funds ICAV

PDF IconBlueglen Funds ICAV

PDF IconBridge UCITS Funds ICAV: James Hambro Harrier

PDF IconBridge UCITS Funds ICAV: Victory Sophos Funds

PDF IconBridge UCITS Funds ICAV: Victory THB Funds

PDF IconCantillon Funds plc

PDF IconCantor Fitzgerald Investment Funds plc

PDF IconCG Portfolio Fund plc

PDF IconControlfida UCITS Funds plc

PDF IconAlpha Green UCITS Fund

PDF IconEnnismore Smaller Companies plc

PDF IconFindlay Park Funds ICAV

PDF IconGavekal Multi-Fund plc

PDF IconGavekal UCITS Fund plc

PDF IconGenfunds Global plc


PDF IconGreen Effects Investment plc

PDF IconHerald Investment Fund plc

PDF IconInfinity Funds ICAV

PDF IconLiontrust Global Fundamental plc

PDF IconLiontrust Global Funds plc, sub-funds;

  • Liontrust GF European Smaller Companies Fund
  • Liontrust GF UK Growth Fund
  • Liontrust GF Special Situations Fund
  • Liontrust GF European Strategic Equity Fund

PDF IconLiontrust Global Funds plc, sub-funds

  • Liontrust GF Absolute Return Bond Fund
  • Liontrust GF High Yield Bond Fund
  • Liontrust GF Strategic Bond Fund

PDF IconFor sustainability risks for the following sub-funds;

  • Liontrust GF Sustainable Future European Corporate Bond Fund
  • Liontrust GF Sustainable Future Pan European Growth Fund
  • Liontrust GF Sustainable Future Global Growth Fund
  • Liontrust GF Sustainable Future Multi-Asset Global Fund
  • Liontrust GF Sustainable Future US Growth Fund

PDF IconMagna Umbrella Fund plc

PDF IconMaple-Brown Abbot Funds plc

PDF IconMedia Capital Partners ICAV

PDF IconNomura Funds Ireland plc

PDF IconNomura Alternative Funds ICAV

PDF IconOaks Emerging Umbrella Fund plc

PDF IconPolar Capital Funds

PDF IconPrusik Asia Emerging Opportunities Fund plc

PDF IconPrusik Asia Fund plc

PDF IconPrusik Umbrella UCITS Fund plc

PDF IconSparx Funds plc

PDF IconStrategic Investment Funds UCITS plc: Alpine

PDF IconStrategic Investment Funds UCITS plc: Bramshill



PDF IconTokio Marine Funds plc

PDF IconWaverton Investment Fund plc

PDF IconYuki Asia Umbrella Fund

PDF IconYuki Strategies Umbrella Fund

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