Sustainability-related disclosures

Click below for information on sustainability risks as defined by SFDR EU 2019/2088:

Principal Adverse Impact Statement

As permitted under Article 4 of Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 November 2019 on sustainability‐related disclosures in the financial services sector (the “SFDR”), Bridge Fund Management Limited (‘BFML’) does not consider adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors on the basis that it is not a financial market participant that is required to do so given that BFML does not have on its balance sheet an average number of employees exceeding 500 during the financial year. BFML may choose at a later date to publish and maintain on its website the consideration of principal adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors. BFML will review its approach to considering the principal adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors within the meaning of SFDR on a periodic basis.
However, as Funds, for which BFML act as UCITS Management Company or AIFM, follow a number of different investment strategies with varying consideration of environmental, social and governance (ESG) and sustainability factors, PAI can be considered on case by case at the level of Funds.
Should Portfolio Managers wish to consider PAI in respect of the Funds in line with Article 7 of SFDR, BFML shall ensure that:

  • The Delegated Manager has the appropriate infrastructure in place to report on PAI on an ongoing basis;
  • Where PAI are to be considered in respect of the Funds, the appropriate disclosures are made in the pre-contractual documents in line with SFDR by 31 December 2022;
  • The list of Funds for which PAI are considered is available on request;
  • The processes, systems and procedures in place to consider and report on PAI in respect of each Fund shall remain subject to BFML’s periodic due diligence;
  • The Portfolio Manager also provides or publishes on its website appropriate disclosures in accordance with Article 4(1) and (2) of SFDR, while also considering the associated Regulatory Technical Standards once adopted by the European Commission, in respect of the Funds;
  • The periodic reports of the Funds contain sufficient and appropriate information in relation to the assessment of PAI.
  • Where PAI are not considered in respect of the Funds to which BFML act as Management Company or AIFM, BFML shall ensure appropriate disclosures are contained within the relevant pre-contractual documents. For further information as to why PAI are not considered in respect of a particular Fund, please refer to the prospectus/supplement of that Fund.

Remuneration policy

Click below for our full remuneration policy:

Shareholder summary rights

This is a summary of rights afforded to you as a Shareholder whose name appears on the share register of the Fund.

It should be noted that this summary addresses rights conferred on Shareholders under the applicable legislation governing the operation of the Fund in which you are invested. You may also be afforded rights
under other legislation or regulatory frameworks which are not addressed above, including for example, your rights as a data subject under Regulation 2016/679.

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